Stylish From the Day You Were Born

I've rummaged through some of my old photos because an idea for this post came into my head last night.

Is it just me or has anyone ever looked through their pictures and thought 'wow that outfit is fire, thanks mum!' Well that's basically what I've done. I think when you grow up a bit, you start to appreciate the little things like that. My favorite out of all of these is probably the image with the excessive amount of face gems on my face. I remember that day, I thought I looked cool.

I think it's nice to reflect on little things like this. Not to forget, it's also great style inspo. I probably wouldn't fit into these clothes now but it's nice to look at it and be inspired. Although I did try this when I was about 12. I kept a top from when I was 8 or 9 years old, and refused to give it away because I loved it so much. By then it was a crop top, but hey I worked it.  The worst thing you can do is take yourself too seriously. Style should involve play and silliness. That's what I tend to do when I wear very grown-up outfits for a while. I have to take a day where I will wear patterned tights (and I mean butterfly tights) with some cute little space buns.

Why don't you try it now. Look through your old pictures, you might just get inspired.


Keishi Jewellery